Wednesday, March 17, 2010

giant buddha #2

around the giant buddha was a whole complex of temples, ponds, and gardens. it was all very beautiful.

the giant buddha

last weekend we took a day trip to chungwa. at the train station it looked like every other town in taiwan, busy stores, apartments, cars, buses, and people everywhere. as we started to walk into the city we found the cute old buildings and the fun market streets. then we looked up and saw the giant buddha.

cool confucious temple

they can be so simple yet still so incredible. visiting the different temples gives you an idea of the people who lived in them. there are cool dragons too.

Par-tay in Linnei

coming home from thailand was very comforting, hearing only mandarin in the background and not some mix of european and asian languages. when we got back to linnei there was a party to celebrate the end of the new year. and yes, even linnei, got a party with fireworks, food, and a show.